Zoran Designs Jewellery | Hamilton Ontario Jeweller

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Custom Made Opal Ring

Lovely Opal glows from within. This pretty halo ring features a natural Australian white Opal surrounded by sparkling diamonds in white gold. It was custom made to be worn as an occasional engagement ring for an Opal lover. As pretty as it is though, I will never promote Opal as a good option for engagement rings; it is far too soft and fragile to stand up to every day wear and tear.

An October baby and Opal lover myself, I understand the draw; there is something incredibly alluring about this mystical gem that glows from within with flashes of colour; but to any customer who inquires about Opal for their engagement ring, I always tell them that there is a very strong likelihood they will need to replace the stone at some point (perhaps even multiple times during their lifetime). If the customer is adamant about having an Opal engagement ring in spite of this warning, and especially if the ring will not be worn all day every day (which should reduce exposure to the risk of damage considerably), I am happy to oblige.