BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. If you are looking to purchase something specific, please let us know in advance so we can make sure it is something we have in stock, can source or custom make for you.
Purchases can be made through our online shop. We offer free shipping (US and Canada) on most orders and shoppers can choose from several shipping upgrade options. Made-to-order engagement rings and select custom jewellery services offered. Please direct all inquiries to or use the contact form below.
Before we schedule an in-person meeting, please take a moment to send us some details regarding what you are looking for. Be sure to include important factors such as your budget and (if applicable) your deadline. This information will help us ascertain whether or not we are a good fit for your project and help ensure that we can meet your needs. If you have any images to attach, please email us directly instead of using the form below. Send email to
*Please note we do not do custom projects in sterling silver or modern/alternative metals.
ADDRESS: 285 King St. E, Hamilton, ON L8N 1B9
PHONE: 905-522-2214 (using the form above or emailing will likely result in faster response time than leaving a phone message)
PARKING: Metered parking is available directly in front of our store and on either side of King St. More paid parking is available at the municipal lot located directly next to our building and the Denninger’s lot directly across (free with purchase at Denninger’s).